Jesse Tree, Day 15 – The Courage to be Different

Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king thought to set him over the whole realm. Daniel 6:3, KJV

Read: Daniel 6

It takes courage to be different in a world that is constantly trying to make us fit into its mold. Even as a counter culturalist, I am not immune from the pressure to follow trends of the day. There seems to be unspoken rules about what is considered beautiful, trendy, “just what you need to do” especially for women. Still for me, it is important that I take intentional steps to be true to what I value. However, that is not always easy! 


What I love about the story of Daniel and his friends in Babylon, is that they dared to be different. In the last devotional, we learned that the 12 tribes of Israel split into two separate kingdoms – Israel and Judah. During this period, Israel was captured by the Assyrians. Later on, some of the people of Judah were taken captives in Babylon by King Nebuchadnezzar II. He took away some of the brightest and smartest young men. Daniel and his friends were among this group.


I imagine that when the friends arrived in the palace, the temptation was there to reinvent themselves to fit into the norms of this new setting. However, they had the courage to be different.


I suspect that it was no easy thing to avoid the rich food of Babylon in favor of their more simple diet. Well, for me it would certainly have been. I am a foodie!  However, they chose to eat the foods to which they were accustomed. Later on, Daniel continued to pray as was his daily practice in spite of a law to do otherwise even under penalty of death.


Here was a young man who was not afraid to sport his brand boldly and courageously–A follower of God. And God delivered Him even from the lion’s den.


An Ornament of A lion hanging from a Christmas tree to represent Daniel
Ornament Symbol – A lion


We live in such a topsy-turvy world today. Conformity is in. Trendy is in. The message is this: “If you want to be successful, then you need to do what the gurus say.


Guess what? The best advice you and I can get for what makes for a successful life comes from the one who made us — the creator, God (See Day 9 Devotional). This is what Daniel and his friends did. 


They made choices that were consistent with the lifestyle with which they had been raised. Even when it came down to the choice of following the king’s advice or God’s– they chose to obey God. 


Friend, being true to the God you serve can become your brand identity. Far from being the thing that keeps you back from a successful life, it is the very thing that can position you for success. 


Later on, even King Darius noticed that there was something different about Daniel. He had and  “excellent spirit” within him (Daniel 6:3).  And the king promoted Daniel to serve  “over the whole kingdom.”


Do you have the courage to be a bold follower of God?  Do you have the courage to be different? I dare you to be different!


REFLECT: In what areas do you find  it challenging to live according to your Christian values? What makes it challenging?

Live deep; laugh much.

I help individuals create space and develop habits and strategies to live a flourishing life — one goal at a time.

Kathy-Ann C. Hernandez, Ph.D.

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