Jesse Tree, Day 1: The Creator

Jesse Tree, Day 1: The Creator

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1: 1, NKJV

Read: Genesis 1

The Christmas story begins with a main actor–the Creator, God. It begins  in darkness, in a formless void of nothingness. But then, “the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters,” (Genesis 1: 3) with a vision for a created world that “was good”. In the story of creation, we see the genius of a master creator. 


When I read the account in Genesis, several things resonate with me. First, as an outdoorsy type, my imagination soars. Can you imagine the many varieties of fruits and vegetables in the garden? Does your mouth water just thinking about it? Mine does. And what about all the exotic animals! What would it be like to pet a lion or see a giraffe up close? Amazing, right?


Ornament Symbol – The World

But more than the created things — today I encourage you to focus with me on the Creator, Himself. When you picture God, who do you see? What does that image represent to you?


Early in my Christian journey, my image of God was of an aloof and distant presence. I was in awe of Him; I was in awe of His powerful presence. However, older and wiser, I now realize that for our relationship with God to deepen, it is important for us to have reverence for Him, but still encounter a personable God.


When I focus on God in this way, I see a benevolent father figure — thinking through all the things that would make his crowning act of creation (human beings) comfortable and happy. 


 I can almost hear Him thinking:

“Okay, which fruits should I make for them to eat?”


“I wonder if they might like an animal like a dog as a companion?”


“Oh. I know what we should do. How about we create a spectacular morning and evening sun display to greet them?” 

Do you see where I am going with this? 


I see a thoughtful father. I see a loving God. Before you and I ever came into being, a great God had a vision for a world that was perfectly created to meet our every need.


REFLECT: Take time today to reflect on the beauty of God’s creation and the Creator Himself. What are you most grateful for?  

Live deep; laugh much.

I help individuals create space and develop habits and strategies to live a flourishing life — one goal at a time.

Kathy-Ann C. Hernandez, Ph.D.

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