Jesse Tree

Jesse Tree, Day 4 – Waiting on God

Have you been there–stuck in the waiting zone with God? I have.
Abram and Sarai were waiting for God to answer their pleas for children. But above the micro focus on their personal needs, God was shaping the arc of the line from which His own promised son would come.

Jesse Tree, Day 3 – A God of His Word

In the story of Noah and the flood, I am once again in awe of the Creator God as A God of His Word. Are you a person of your word. How can we honor God in our approach to promise keeping?

Jesse Tree, Day 2 – The First Move to Forgive

Today, as we reflect on the story of that first disobedient act,  I invite us to take our eyes off the guilty pair. In this story, I can see so much of myself in relation to a forgiving father.

Jesse Tree, Day 1: The Creator

Today I encourage you to focus with me on the Creator, Himself. When you picture God, who do you see? What does that image represent to you?

christmas, christmas ornaments, christmas tree-4705310.jpg

The Jesse Tree Tradition

We started the Jesse tree tradition in 2017. Our girls were ten and eight at the time, and I was in search of ways to celebrate the Christmas season that mattered to us.