Jesse Tree, Day 10 – A God of the Impossible

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26, NIV

Read: Numbers 13, Numbers 14-9

Life is challenging. Each of us will face difficulties as we advance towards important life goals. Sometimes the thing we want most will require sacrifice after sacrifice, but still the outcome may remain uncertain. There will be moments of self-doubt and of second guessing. 


Now, I don’t mean to discourage you. Actually, I hope to do the opposite. Knowing this truth can liberate you to realize that it’s not just you. This is what life is like in this broken world as a result of sin.


Here’s the thing though. When we try to bulldoze our way towards what we want to do, that is a sure path to an unfulfilled and frustrating life journey. As Christian believers, we can achieve our fullest potential by aligning ourselves with the vision that God has for our lives. 


But there is more, when God has revealed to us his path for our life, in spite of how insurmountable the challenge is, we can be confident that our success is assured. He is a God of the impossible.


For the children of Israel, fresh out from slavery in Egypt, God revealed a “sweet” destination for them–Canaan, a place where they could flourish (Exodus 3:8).  The land was filled with delicious fruits – grapes, pomegranates. and figs.  However, it would take courage and deepening faith that God was well able give them a land that was already occupied men who were described as giants. (Numbers 13: 33) 


Ornament Symbol – A Bunch of Grapes


Moses sent twelve men to spy out the land. Ten of them saw the obstacles ahead. Only two of the men saw an opportunity to put their full confidence in God. They saw a growth opportunity. Caleb described the people in the land as “bread for us”: 

Only do not rebel against the LORD, nor fear the people of the land, for they are our bread; their protection has departed from them, and the LORD is with us. Do not fear them.” Numbers 14: 9, NKJV

What a mighty God we serve! Bread nourishes; it sustains us. The thing that is meant to harm us can become the very thing God uses to strengthen us. Hallelujah!


I don’t know if you get it yet, but do you see a central theme here in the devotionals we have done so far? Here we go:


  •  Noah built a boat for rain that had never fallen before.
  • Abraham and Sarah waited for a child in their old age.
  • Joseph rose to a position of leadership with a resume that included former slave and ex-offender.
  • Now, two spies are confident they can emerge as conquerors in  a seemingly unconquerable land.


In all these experiences, we get a glimpse of a  God who delights in doing the impossible.


With God all things are possible. He is able to use even our life challenges to strengthen and advance us towards the purpose He has for our life.


REFLECT: Recount a past difficult life experience that God has used or is still using to advance you towards the purpose He has for your life. Take some time to thank Him for it today.

Live deep; laugh much.

I help individuals create space and develop habits and strategies to live a flourishing life — one goal at a time.

Kathy-Ann C. Hernandez, Ph.D.

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